Delivered new to the Southall Gas Works as No.4 Loco, it was named Alexander in preservation by it’s new owner at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre. Purchased by it’s current owner in 1988 and transferred initially to Fleetwood, and then onto Southport in 1993. Alexander’s restoration was completed at Southport in 1994, and spent a number of years working on the demonstration line.
In the June 1996, Alex paid a short visit to Riversway prior to our occupation of the site. After working a number of demonstration trains to celebrate the Maritime Festival, Alexander was despatched on hire to the East Anglian Railway museum, where she saw a number of year’s use.
Taken out of service pending further investigations into tubeplate wastage, Alexander returned to Riversway on 3rd July 2002 for repair work. The loco is current on display in the museum building.